What is a Rescue Relay Transport?
Rescue transports are a leg-to-leg, ground relay transport, We are all volunteer based. Each transport has multiple legs, averaging between an hour to an hour and a half per leg. When all the necessary legs have been filled with the appropriate number of drivers to safely and comfortably carry the number of animals coming, a final run sheet is sent out to all of the parties involved in the transport - the sending shelter, the receiving rescue, and each of the drivers who have signed up to do a leg. This final run sheet details out each leg of the transport; the meeting location in each city; contact information for each of the drivers; information on the sending shelters and receiving rescues; and detailed information on each of the animals traveling. For larger transports, we will sometimes assign passengers to each driver on the transport.
Then the furkids get on the road! Once the transport starts, the drivers are instructed to call the coordinator(s) or monitors once each hand-off is completed and the animals are safely loaded and on their way to the next stop. When all legs have been completed, the animals are picked up by the appropriate rescues and brought to their foster homes and begin their new lives!

Q: What If something goes wrong, like a flat or breakdown?
A: Immediately call the Transport Coordinator after you are safely off the road. We will ask the driver of the next leg to go to you if your problem can not be resolved quickly.

Q: What if the dog is aggressive?
A: This rarely happens. In most cases the dogs are frightened and unsure. A pair of welders gloves from the big box store (Home Depot or Lowe's) will keep you hands and wrists safe. Keep your face away from the dog's face. No eye contact and use your strongest voice. Remember YOU are in charge.

Q: What happens if I'm running really early or really behind schedule?
A: Immediately call the driver of the next leg and advise of your ETA, then call your Transport Coordinator. We do our best to give you time and distance figures to keep the run on time.

Q: What does a "Monitored Run" mean?
A: Most all of KHTC runs are monitored by the transport coordinator that built the run sheet. We ask that you call the TC at the end of your leg and with any problems or concerns you may have.

Q: What does "No paws on the ground" mean?
A: This is about puppies (young puppies may not be old enough to have had any shots) and dogs that may have a medical issues. No contact with the ground limits the spreading or contracting anything that may effect their health.

Q: What is the paperwork and how is that supposed to be handled?
And what if I forget to hand it to the next driver?
A: Each dog in transport will have some paperwork health cert. etc. that must travel with them. The very first thing to do at the transfer spot is to pass the paperwork onto the next driver. This is your responsibility! If you forget and find that you still have the paperwork call the driver you handed off to and go find them and fix it!! NO EXCEPTIONS!

Q: What happens if I'm running really early or really behind schedule?
A: Immediately call the driver of the next leg and advise of your ETA, then call your Transport Coordinator. We do our best to give you time and distance figures to keep the run on time.

Q: Why shouldn't I put the exact MEET SPOT location on the run sheet?
A: Please send the transfer spot location via e-mail or PM There has been incidents where drivers have been stalked and attacked because the stalker knew their meet location and there have been drivers held up at gunpoint and made to hand over Pit Bulls to the offender. This is somewhat new we will soon be sending the final run sheet by e-mail. Doing so will create more work for the transport coordinator but it's needed to keep our drivers safe.

Q: What if I have some dogs to transport on the return trip, what should I do to be prepared, i.e. crates, etc)
A: Clean up all the crates with your 10% bleach spray and wipe down your cargo area. Place all used bedding in a plastic trash bag and store away for laundering later. Install fresh bedding. Remember clean is the key here
Q: How do I get started? What supplies do I need?
A. As you are reading this you have found a great transport group. Commitment to helping the animals is the first step. Things you will need for your vehicle are: A waterproof covering for your seats and cargo area. This can be as simple as a shower curtain and an old quilt. A spray bottle with a 10% mixture of water and bleach with a few drops of dish washing liquid added for fast cleanups. a roll of paper towels, Clorox wipes also work well for this purpose. At least six good quality slip leads (2) per dog. Disposable (aluminum pie plates) or stainless steel bowls for water. Please remember one dog one bowl. A small bag of training treats. Use them sparingly. An assortment of crates. beding for the crates can be disposable puppie pads or clean old towels from your home, Seat belt harnesses for the larger dogs. Your cell phone and charger cord. A printed copy of the run sheet of the transport. It will contain names, phone numbers, transfer points and times.
Q: Who pays for fuel and equipment?
A: As we are an all volunteer group there will be no reimbursements of fuel or equipment of any kind. Unless offered by the SENDING or RECEIVING party listed on the run sheet.
Q: What is a slip lead?
A: Dog collar and lead combination that offers you convenience and ease of use. They should be used in pairs, placed on the dog in opposing positions. When using a training or slip lead, the lead must always have lite upward tension. Never having any slack in the lead itself.
Q: Where do I get some Crates and what kind works best?
A: You can check Craig's List, yard sales, thrift shops, your friends might loan you one until you accumulate what you need. You local humane society also might be willing to loan you one or two if you tell them you are doing rescue transport.
Depending on vehicle style the metal folding are easy to clean and store. Plastic airline style crates are also acceptable. Please NO soft side cloth type carriers.
Q: What if the next driver doesn't show up?
A: Immediately call the Transport Coordinator for instructions. One of two things may happen you will be asked to split the next leg or asked to wait till help arrives.
Q: How do I use a seat belt harness?
A: A seat belt harness is a harness with a padded chest plate that can be attached to the seat belt in your vehicle. Follow manufacturers instructions.